Loop PNG's 5@5

Loop 5@5 is a roundup of the top Loop PNG stories making news.

Polye: Termination of pilots a retaliation, suppression of rights

Opposition Leader Don Polye labels the termination of eight national pilots as ‘a mere retaliation and suppression of human rights by the government’.

UPNG students seek judicial review of termination

Seven UPNG Student leaders who were terminated from school over their alleged involvement in the boycotting of classes have gone before the Waigani National Court with an urgent application.

Australian PM's XIII team arrives

The Australian Prime Minister's XIII team arrived in the country this afternoon to a rousing welcome from rugby league fanatics in Port Moresby.

Resign before Oct 20 if you want to contest: Kali

All public servants who want to contest the 2017 National Elections must tender their resignation before 20 October, 2016.

Ruling on late Yinu case next month

It will be a year next month, October, since the late Jeremiah Yinu succumbed to injuries he sustained from a fight between students and soldiers outside the Coronation Primary School on July 25, 2015.