Loop PNG's 5@5

Loop 5@5 is a roundup of the top Loop PNG stories making news.

Getaway Vehicle Involved in Accident


A high speed getaway by criminals ended in a nasty accident on Thursday with the driver of the stolen vehicle in serious condition at the Angau Memorial Hospital in Lae.

Kandep recount starts tomorrow, says EC


Re-counting of ballot boxes in the Kandep open seat will begin tomorrow, Tuesday Sept 20, in Wabag town, lawyer representing Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato told the court today.

PM responds to UBS case application


Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has filed his statements in response to an application under section 18(1) of the Constitution over the UBS loan case, which was re-filed by Opposition Leader Don Polye in May.

PNG Judiciary starts using sentencing database


The PNG Judiciary has begun using a sentencing database software system to reduce unjustified disparities in criminal sentencing.

New Zealand based Papua New Guineans commemorate independence


The commemoration of the country’s 41st Independence anniversary in Auckland, New Zealand, on September 16, was one filled with emotion and pride.