Gulf leader promises basics for people

Long-time serving Ihu Local Level Government president Charles Maiu says his focus is on delivering small but basic services to his people.

Maiu said this during the LLG’s Financial Economic Committee (FEC) meeting in Kerema yesterday.

“I will not speak of big things but I will deliver basic services with the little funding support given by the National Government through the K500, 000 LLG support grants. Many times we think of big things and we do not implement basic services to our people,” Maiu said.

Ihu LLG is the first LLG in Gulf Province to have its FEC meeting for the year.

Maiu told the members that the Government had only given K20, 000 to the LLG from this year’s K500,000 LLG support grants for this year.

He said the district had a total funding of K300, 064 from last year’s allocation that had been rolled over to this year.

Maiu said the funds delay was not inefficiency from his part but was a result of late disbursement of funds from Waigani into the LLG‘s accounts.

Maiu also thanked the National Government for the K500,000 funding.

He said the people were beginning to express confidence in the LLG because they were seeing little changes from the funding given by the National Government

Among agenda items discussed, Maiu said the committee had resolved to evict all former public servants occupying public servants’ houses in the districts.

“We need to have houses to allow public servants to live in Ihu and move the districts forward. Without public servants, we cannot deliver government services because public servants are not in the district to ensure services reach the people.’’

The committee has also resolved to give funding support to local Ihu Rugby League club Kouri playing in the Kerema Rugby League competition.

Maiu also warned public servants to do their job diligently.

He said the LLG was prepared to ensure basic services such as transportation for public servants and health and education officers, public service housing and community policing in the district are delivered.

Maiu said the LLG would also purchase 25 uniforms for community police.

He said these uniforms would help boast the moral of the officers to perform their duties.

Meanwhile Maiu said LLG would be putting in together their district plan to secure funding for essential health, education and agricultural services.

He said the district has lack a plan for some years due to misconnection between Kerema and Ihu.

He said the plan would also enable councillors from his LLG to secure finding from donors in their respective community projects.