Comic-Con news from Rihanna to The Walking Dead

Rihanna isn't at Comic-Con in San Diego, but she's managed to grab much of the attention.

Stars and producers from TV shows and movies use the convention to make major announcements - or dodge awkward questions.

Rihanna has been a big talking point after sending in a video message.

She's announced that she is going to have a recurring part in the final season of Bates Motel.

Rihanna = Marion

The series, which is shown on the Universal channel in the UK, is a prequel to the events portrayed in Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 classic horror film Pyscho.

The singer says she's going to play Marion Crane.

She says: "Hello Comic-Con it's your girl Riri... I'm about to check into the Bates Motel very soon."

"Guess what else? Guess who's playing Marion?"

Marion Crane is brutally murdered in one of the best-known moments in the history of cinema.

There's no word yet on whether the TV show will try to recreate it.

The producers said: "We heard Rihanna was a fan of the show, and we were huge fans of hers, so it was the perfect collision of creativity and fate."

Eeney, meeney, miney... who?

The Walking Dead fans have one very simple question.

Who did Neagan kill at the end of Season Six?

It ended with the uber-villain seemingly murdering one of the 11 beloved characters with his baseball bat Lucille.

All the actors involved - and Lucille - took part in a panel discussion, alongside the show's executive producers.

They talked for an hour, but didn't reveal anything other than a date for the end of the waiting.

The show will be aired in the UK on 24 October.

Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick Grimes admitted that it isn't the greatest start to a new season.

He said: "I think we're headed towards one of the biggest showdowns we've had on this show since Terminus. So hang in there with us."

A trailer for the next season didn't give anything away.

But it did introduce new character King Ezekiel and his pet tiger.

Wonder Woman

Rihanna isn't the only celebrity getting extra publicity on Twitter.

Wonder Woman cast and crew will hold a session later, but star Gal Gadot has already tweeted the first look at the movie's poster.

The trailer is expected to be shown at Comic-Con.

It's the first big-budget superhero movie to have a female star and director, Patty Jenkins.

Big Bang 30 Rock Theory

Nerd-com Big Bang Theory is bringing in new characters by introducing Penny's family.

Jack McBrayer, who used to be Kenneth on 30 Rock, will play her brother Randall.

He's playing a cheerful former drug addict and ex-criminal.
