40 exhibitors at Tourism expo underway in Moresby

Forty exhibitors are participating in the annual Lukim Papua New Guinea Nau 2016 tourism expo underway at the International Convention Centre in Port Moresby.

The exhibitors include local arts and culture businesses and local tourism operators like hotels and tours operators from across the country.

This is the first time the expo has incorporated culture, arts and tourism.

The expo was officially launched by Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Tobias Kulang.

Kulang said the highlight of this event is the presence of international agents that will be marketing PNG tourism products overseas.

He said what this country can offer is through all the different local operators showcased at the expo.

 “We got an exciting group of people here bringing to expo what they’re able to sell and the country is very well represented here,” he said.

The expo is open today to the public with lots of activities including a bouncy castle for the kids, sausage sizzle and door prizes, live band and traditional dances.

Quintina Naime