CS institutes receive training

The PNG Correctional Service held counselling skills training for participants at the Barawagi Correctional institute in Chimbu Province and Bihute in Eastern Highlands.

The purpose was to equip detainees, staff dependents and nearby community leaders with basic counseling skills is to upskill and empower participants to help themselves deal with social issues within the institution and communities they live. 

CS Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Manager and Chief Inspector, David Yaka Mano who facilitated the training said it is relevant for the people of the institution and communities of prison institutions to control and manage social issues occurring in these areas.

The 40 participants from the two provinces attending the training were 11 detainees, nine community representatives, and 15 CS officers. After the three-day training, they will be awarded certificates. 

Senior Inspector, Sebastian Dokta shared that it was important for the detainees and the staff of the prison to receive such training. 

“I didn’t learn this in school and many issues are faced in prison. We need this training and must learn this here to solve the issues faced. We don’t need just three days to train; we actually need three weeks to train each prison so that change can be seen.”

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