BbP Celebrates Girls in ICT Day

Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP) played a pivotal role in this year's Girls in ICT Day, held under the theme "Leadership."

This theme emphasizes the critical need for female role models in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sectors.

Despite women accounting for 40 percent of high-skill occupations globally, their representation in ICT-related fields such as software development, engineering, and technology research remains minimal.

At BbP's CPL Foundation sponsored event in Tatana LLC, young girls were given firsthand experience of the ICT world with their own IT officer who led a series of activities including pre-coding exercises and discussions on the roles of ICT professionals.

Children also explored BbP's various educational tools like tablets, a learning app, flip books, and audiobooks through a guided tablet routine.

These activities not only illustrated practical uses of ICT but also fostered an understanding of what a career in ICT might entail.

The day’s events underscored how early exposure to technology and successful women in ICT can inspire girls to aim for leadership roles and overcome barriers in STEM fields.

Buk bilong Pikinini’s efforts to educate and empower girls from a young age are key to ensuring they are well-prepared to join and thrive in the future workforce of ICT and STEM.

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