Remington Group joins Nasfund discount program

Papua New Guinea’s leading superannuation provider, National Superannuation Fund (Nasfund) has partnered with Remington Group, to provide more value for Nasfund contributors.

Through the Fund’s Membership Discount Program (MDP), Remington’s Nasfund members can now enjoy the following discounts from services across its three business units; 12.5% discount on all Konica Minolta small office & home office devices from Remington Technologies nationwide, 15% discount on all FujiFilm small office & home office devices from FX Business Centre, and 10% discount printing, banners, business cards, photos & Corflute’s from BizPrint & Scan.

Remington Group CEO, Peter Goodwin, said that the partnership seeks to provide outstanding value for Nasfund contributors, especially as we try to survive this most challenging economic environment.

He stated that since 1948, Remington Group had developed an extensive portfolio of businesses which includes Remington Technology, FX Business Centre, and BizPrint & Scan. He states that they were delighted to offer these discounts to Nasfund members.  

Nasfund members will have to show their Nasfund membership ID to take advantage of these discounts and the offer is available immediately, nationwide, and will be in place for the next 12 months.

According to Nasfund CEO, Ian Tarutia, welcomed the Remington Group as its latest discount service provider to the Nasfund membership.

He thanked Remington Group for coming on board and provides more value for members, especially during these challenging times.

Press Release