KPHL sign Fabrication Facility project contract

Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited (KPHL) has sealed a conction contract for Phase 1 of the Fabrication Facility construction project. The project contractor is China State Construction Engineering Corporation PNG Limited China.

The contract, worth a total of US$10 million (approx. K35 million), was officially signed by KPHL Managing Director Wapu Sonk, and Wang Ounan, General Manager of the construction contractor.

Speaking on the agreement, Mr. Sonk stated, "This contract marks the initiation of the KPHL training and fabrication facility. The civil construction work outlined in the contract encompasses the construction of access roads, building foundations, and associated site work and services rights of way."

He added, "Phase 1 activities involve preparing the training facility pad, fabricating facility pad, and construction lay down pad, making them ready for the subsequent phase."

Mr. Sonk highlighted that the contractor is scheduled to mobilize on July 15, with an expected completion date in the mid-fourth quarter of this year.

He emphasized that once operational, the facility would be responsible for the fabrication of large-scale, high-value structural, mechanical, and piping modules used in land-based liquefaction and regasification facilities for liquefied natural gas (LNG), as well as in petrochemical and refinery plants.

Furthermore, Mr. Sonk disclosed that Kumul Petroleum plans to establish the Kumul Construction Industry Training College on the same site. The training college aims to equip Papua New Guineans with the necessary skills to actively participate in construction activities related to industry projects until 2032.

Mr. Sonk said in conclusion, "Kumul Petroleum, as the national petroleum and energy company, is proactively setting up this Fabrication Facility to maximize domestic content in future petroleum, mining, renewable energy, and heavy industry projects. The facility will manufacture products that were previously solely imported from overseas."

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