Village court magistrates

Village Court Magistrates trained on protected area laws

The workshop focused on explaining the hierarchy of PNG laws and the PNG court system, guided by legal experts from CELCOR. The week-long program was held in Bungawat, Kabwum District in Morobe and Teptep, Raicoast District of Madang.

Participants from Som, Uruwa, and Yopno zones attended the parallel training workshops in Bungawat and Teptep stations. A similar workshop is planned for the Nambis zone in Wasu LLG Tewae Siasi District, next year to cover the entire YUS Conservation Area landscape.

Village court pilot project set for Boera

The judiciary has been in touch with the community to build a standard facility for the village court in the village.

Attorney General and Justice Minister, Davis Steven recently visited the village for the pilot project.

Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia said K300, 000 has been put aside to build the facility.

He said village courts deal with 80 percent of disputes and must be looked after by all including the government.