Teaching Service Commission (TSC)

Teachers cannot be denied their entitlements

TSC commissioner operations, Samson Wangihomie, says teachers cannot be denied their entitlements and must be paid accordingly.

He said there are already concerns that they may not be paid in full, or get paid at all.

“Commissioner and I were sharing about one province, name withheld, where the provincial administrator said they were going to suspend leave fares this year and we are saying no, it is their entitlement, you pay it to the them when they are entitled,” says Wangihomie.

TSC taken to task over ‘foul-play’ over salaries

Alex Tui of Hos Elementary School outside the provincial capital Mendi, complained bitterly that many teachers PNG-wide “are really suffering” because certain officers in TSC and DoE, both in head office and provinces were failing to perform their duties professionally and responsibly as expected.

Tui urged TSC Chairman Baran Sori and Acting Secretary for Education, Dr Uke Kombra to start disciplining all responsible officers who failed to submit vital information to the salaries section thereby causing salary discrepancies and anomalies.