
Kieta Flights Suspended

Passengers that have tickets to travel to or from Kieta are able to travel to or from Buka instead with no additional charges, or can rebook their flights to Kieta for future dates without penalties.

There are six weekly operational flights to Buka via Air Niugini and daily except for Sundays, using the Fokker 100 or 70 jet aircraft.

For further bookings or information, passengers and customers can contact Air Niugini’s toll free number 1803444 or visit the nearest Air Niugini Sales Office or travel agent.

Time is of the essence

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his Ministers met with the Autonomous Region of Bougainville President, Chief John Momis, on Friday seeking more ways forward to fulfil the three pillars of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, of Autonomy, Weapons Disposal and a Referendum on Bougainville’s political status.          

O’Neill arrived just before lunch (BST) at Aropa Aiport, Kieta, in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.

Kieta locals still waiting on payments due

This comes after they were promised by the then Central Bougainville MP that their funds would be reimbursed once the bridge was complete.

Maya Tunjio a local from the Kabaku area which is the site of the Kabaku bridge told Loop PNG that he had invested up to K111,000  from his own pocket .

He said the bridge was seen as a necessity because the villagers were finding it difficult to transport commodities like cocoa and other produce to the market for their livelihood.

Air Niugini outsources ticket sales office in Kieta

General Manager, Customers and Markets Dominic Kaumu made these remarks when signing an agreement with a travel agency in Kieta last Wednesday.

He said the outsourcing of its sales office was part of the airline’s effort to streamline operations, however, its major domestic ports will not be affected.

Kaumu and Manageress of Poonang Travel Agency, Pamela Dasiona signed an agreement in Kieta to seal the handover/take over arrangement.

This brings the total number of offices outsourced so far to three in the Autonomous region of Bougainville.

Locals in Kieta welcome sealing of roads


The contract which was awarded to the Dekenai Construction have already started phase one of re sealing and are now at the Kieta wharf area.

Channel Akuaku, who is a chief who lives at Rigu vilage told Loop PNG that villagers are very happy for the sealing taking place and the access to services such as health and schools will be much easier for everyone.
