Wet conditions will continue: Weather service

The wet conditions experienced throughout the country will continue this month.

The National Weather Service (NWS) says the slightly weak La Nina conditions will prevail through February, March and April.

This week though, there is a high possibility of a cyclone forming in the Coral Sea that might see very strong winds experienced in the Southern Region.

Currently there is a tropical depression located in the Coral Sea but it will move further southeast and may develop into a tropical cyclone.

The weather service says this does not pose a threat to island communities in Milne Bay, but it will cause northwest monsoon surges over West New Britain, Western, Gulf, Central and Milne Bay provinces.

Moderate rainfall will continue over the country whilst some parts of the Highlands and Southern regions may receive more rainfall in the coming days.

The weather outlook for the months of February, March and April, released at the end of January 2018 using the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES) statistical and dynamic models, suggested below normal weather and climate conditions for the western Momase and New Guinea Islands regions and normal to above normal condition for the Southern Region.

The PNG National Weather Service says PNG is still in the peak of the wet season and the weak La Nina is nearing its peak.

There is still high risk of flooding in the Southern Region and high risk of landslides in the Highlands Region.

There is also a 30 to 40 percent chance of tropical cyclones forming or passing within PNG.

“By southern hemisphere autumn, from April to May, the La Nina conditions should dissipate and conditions should return to normal,” states the NWS.

(Children in Central Province having fun with the flood waters)

Charmaine Poriambep