Protect integrity of safehouses: Manning

Commissioner of Police David Manning has called on police personnel to protect the integrity of Safe houses, which are designed to protect victims of family and sexual violence.

His call comes in the wake of a disturbing incident where an accused attacker attempted to breach the security of a safe house.

While Commissioner Manning refrained from revealing specific details to safeguard the victim's identity, he disclosed that the case involved a woman seeking refuge in a safe house after accusing her husband of rape and kidnapping.

Shockingly, the accused individual resorted to attempting to bribe police officers to obtain the location of the safe house and even demanded a search warrant to locate the woman inside.

Commissioner Manning stressed that safe houses should never be subjected to search warrants and highlighted that these facilities operate under police presence to ensure the safety and protection of women and children seeking refuge.

He emphasized the need for society, as well as law enforcement, to respect the gravity of family and sexual violence, which inflicts lifelong damage on its victims.

The Commissioner strongly condemned the notion that women are possessions, stating that this case exemplifies the dangerous belief held by the alleged offender that he has some form of ownership over the victim.

He acknowledged the importance of cultural beliefs but emphasized that certain practices can never be tolerated, especially when they infringe upon the rights and safety of vulnerable individuals.

The alleged offender is now under investigation for attempted bribery, and the police will pursue further action as the investigation unfolds. Commissioner Manning made it clear that any individual attempting to compromise the safety and security of a safe house will face the full extent of the law.

Commissioner Manning called upon all police personnel to uphold the protocols set forth by the Family and Sexual Violence Unit and to refrain from engaging in any unprofessional conduct.

He urged everyone in society to recognize the rights and dignity of women and children and to work collectively to eradicate violence and abuse from their lives. As a society, it is imperative to progress beyond outdated beliefs that perpetuate harm.

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