PNGTA yet to get Govt response

The PNG Teachers Association is yet to receive a response from the government since issuing their demands last Friday.

General Secretary Ugwailubu Mowana says he is expecting a response from the Chief Secretary to Government’s Office and relevant authorities over the 3 percent pay increase.

As of this afternoon, Mowana said Government authorities, including the Teachers Services Commission, are in discussion and will advise him of their response later.

He said PNGTA will allow the state to discuss and hope to reconvene a meeting as soon as possible to see what the Government now intends to offer and see how best they can address this longstanding issue.

On Friday, the PNGTA announced their rejection of the Government’s plan to pay teachers the promised 3 percent pay increase as fortnightly instalments over a period of 24 fortnights.

The pay increase agreement was signed in 2016 for the period of 2017 to 2019.

When the year 2017 commenced, the promise was never fulfilled. 

The 57,000 plus teachers throughout the country, through the PNGTA, now want what was promised to them, but in lump sums, over a period of at least 4 to 5 fortnights.

They have indicated industrial action if the Government’s response is not favourable. 

Charmaine Poriambep