Parker’s lawyers to examine deceased’s shirt

The Waigani National Court has directed police Crime Investigation Detectives to make available an exhibit item in the murder case involving businessman Justin Parker to his lawyers for analysis.

The exhibit item is the shirt which was worn by the late aircraft engineer, 54-year-old Lapan Nason, of New Ireland Province, whom Parker is accused of killing.  

Court directed that the shirt must be made available this week for analysis under the supervision of either the Police investigating officer in the case or an appointed police officer.

The directions were made on Monday by Deputy Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika after requests were made by Parker’s lawyer in court.

State was also directed to make available to Parker’s lawyers a copy of a doctor’s report which the state will also rely on in the trial.

The case returns to court on March 13 where a trial date is expected to be set. Pre-Trial Review statements have been filed in the case.

The 44-year-old from Minj, Jiwaka Province was arrested and charged with the wilful murder of his chief aircraft engineer, 54-year-old Lapan Nason, from New Ireland Province, on June 6 at Gorobe Street, Badili.   

Parker spent 18 months remanded at Bomana since he surrendered to police in June 2015. He was allowed bail at K10,000 by the Supreme Court on Dec last year.


(Loop PNG file picture of Parker last year at the Bomana National Courthouse)

Sally Pokiton