Media education seminar inspires youths

The 4th Media Education Seminar, held from May 3rd to May 4th, 2024, at Sivaria Namona, Bomana, provided an enriching experience for youth from five educational institutions.

The seminar focused on empowering young people with the knowledge and skills necessary for video creation, particularly emphasising the art of storyboarding - a crucial tool for visualising and refining ideas in the filmmaking process.

Facilitated by Fr. Ambrose Pereira, the seminar began with the screening of select short films from the Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival. These screenings served as an inspirational foundation, prompting participants to reflect on the impactful stories and share how they resonated on a personal level.

The following day kicked off with an outdoor exercise session led by Lucy Napitalai, followed by a Eucharistic celebration where Fr. Ambrose underscored the themes of God's love, the sanctity of life, and the importance of trust, respect, faith, and love in relationships. His message highlighted the significance of marriage as a covenant, rather than a contract.

The core of the seminar was the hands-on storyboarding session. Lucy Napitalai guided the participants through the intricacies of combining various shot types, emotions, and movements to convey a story effectively.

The practical application of these skills was facilitated by Patrina Kaboanga and Jessica Oata, who directed the participants to create storyboards and produce short inspirational films based on the theme “I HAVE A DREAM,” with sub-themes focusing on education, youth, family, environment, and peace.

The collaborative efforts culminated in the screening of the participants’ films, which impressed everyone with their creativity and depth. The event also included a hearty lunch, fostering a sense of community among the participants.

Representatives from the participating schools shared their gratitude and reflections. Mary Help of Christians Vocational Education Training-FODE expressed appreciation for the practical learning experience in storyboarding and filmmaking. St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School praised the informative sessions and the overall hospitality of the event.

The seminar concluded with Fr. Ambrose expressing his gratitude towards the participants and animators for their dedication. He encouraged them to channel their creativity and hidden talents productively.

The next session of the Media Education Seminar is scheduled for June 14th-15th, 2024, promising to continue this inspiring journey of youth empowerment through film.

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