Initiatives to encourage environmental preservation

In commemoration of World Environment Day 2019, NCD Governor Powes Parkop hosted the event with the theme: ‘Be a Force for Nature’ - to call upon all Port Moresby citizens to take action to protect our environment.

The campaign was launched on June 2nd to tackle the critical issues such as stopping open burning, understanding the importance of trees and forests, avoiding the use of plastic materials, recycling and reusing, supporting wildlife efforts, conserving water and participating in drain as well as river clean up.   

And to demonstrate stewardship, two initiatives were introduced;

  • First, the Green Partner of the City to Clean Up Port Moresby for corporations to organise a clean-up at their vicinity and business area to encourage their staff, customers and community to get involved in eco initiatives.
  • In doing that, corporations will be recognised and acknowledged with a Green Excellence Business Award at the 2020 Governor’s Gala Ball for taking pride in their local area and supporting and representing everything the City stands for in its mission on health improvements, cleanliness, nature and environment, safety, education and sustainability for the capital city as well as attract local, international and social media attention. 
  • Second, to cultivate the spirit of “Our Earth, Our Responsibility” at an early age, seed funds are provided to all schools, starting with ten pilot schools, to set up an Eco Green Club. The best idea will be awarded at the World Environment Day 2020.

“When it comes to addressing litter and waste, it’s going to take time but together I am confident we can get everyone in the city in our efforts to keep Port Moresby clean and green,” said Parkop.

“Let’s stop littering into our seas and drains! We all must do more to keep our Air, Forests and Wildlife protected and preserved.” 

The campaign is symbolic to commemorate World Environment Day, a UN initiative, celebrated all over the world on June 5th every year.

“There is no better way for us to celebrate this global event through the launch of the ‘Be a Force for Nature’ campaign to drive the green and sustainability agenda of our city, particularly addressing the aspects of a cleaner, greener and safer city,” added the Governor.

(World Environment Day walk in Port Moresby)

Press release