Ghastly road conditions, PMV operators lose revenue

PMV operators from Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province, say they are losing huge revenue by the day due to the bad road conditions of the Highlands Highway.

They are calling on the provincial and National Government to address this.

PMV owner Kops, from Goroka, said the bad road condition is affecting their business and revenue generation.

Operators have to fork out more than what they used to for fuel, repair and maintenance.

“Mi lukim olsem rot i bagarap tumas na em had nau long mipla opereitim PMV bikos em kostim planti moni long spea pats na kain olsem na planti ol PMV bisnis mipla randaun nau,” said Kops. (I have noticed that the road has deteriorated badly and it is now difficult for us to operate PMVs because it costs a lot to get spare parts. This is why many PMV businesses have run down.)

Previously, PMV was operated from Goroka to Kainantu and Lae.

What was a 1 hour, 30 minute trip from Goroka to Kainantu now takes them at least 3 hours.

This has caused PMV operators to cut down the number of trips from Goroka to Kainantu from 4 trips per day to 1 to 2 trips now.

Added to the loss of revenue, the bad road condition has left many of the PMV operators and passengers vulnerable to criminal elements.

Carolyn Ure