Four by-elections writs ready

Writs for four by-elections will be issued at the end of February, says the Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai.

The four electorates that are set to go into by-elections are Sohe Open, Madang Open, Maprik Open and the new Porgera Paiela Open in Enga province.

The issue of writs for these by-elections is scheduled for the 29th of February and nominations are to close on the 6th of March.

The campaign period will be for eight weeks. It starts on the 29th of February and ends on the 26th of April.

Polling commences on the 27th of April and ends on the 10th of May.

There will be 21 days counting period, starting on the 10th and ending on the 31st of May with winners to be declared on or before 31st May.

Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai said he has submitted a budget to Finance and Treasury for funds to conduct these by-elections. The estimated budget for the by-elections in the four electorates is K20.5 million.

He urged lead agencies to release the funding so the by-elections are conducted and cleared before the Local Level Government election which is set for June this year.

“Time is of essence. We don’t have the luxury of time. The main national event kickstart in Juna is the Local Level Government election, which is why by-elections must be conducted early,” Sinai stated.

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