Catholic Bishops Conference condemns Mendi rampage

The Catholic Bishops Conference has condemned the action of the supporters of losing candidates, who took out their anger and frustration on public property.

Fr. Victor Roche, General Secretary CBC, calls on the government to bring those people, including the leaders, to justice.

“They have not only damaged the public property but also irreparably damaged the image and dignity of our country,” said Fr. Victor.

“We have given wrong signals to the participants of APEC; we may be ready with roads, buildings, hotels, high powered security and well trained staff. But we, the people, are not ready for such an international meeting.

“We need to do a good evaluation on the election process, the results and the appeals. It is alleged that there are 65 appeals for election results.

“We also need to see if there is corruption in the election process of 2017 and the judiciary.”

The court’s decision to dismiss a petition against the provincial governor, William Powi's 2017 election win, sparked the rampage last Thursday.


Press release