Vitis Launch Social Media Money

VITIS Industries Ltd is taking a whole new approach to use social media as an avenue for people to make money with the launch of social media money.

Vitis Industries limited Marketing Manager, David Leng, said for a long time influencers have been showing their followers what they wear, what they eat and drink, where they go and what they like. But the return on their social media activity has been meager at best.

Vitis Industries Ltd is changing all that with a ground breaking new income initiative called 'Social Media Money'.

Marketing Manager, David Leng said the "Social Media Money" is a revolutionary way to reward online influencers for promoting Vitis products.

Any comment, share, like, view, placement, photo or video relating to any one of the hundreds of products in the Vitis collection, is rewarded in selected social media channels.

Not just that, but the activity of the followers is also acknowledged financially.

"This can turn into a very lucrative income stream for active influencers, and they can earn from all their posts for many months going forward, even while they sleep.

“Not only that, but we'll be announcing other initiatives in the following weeks that will continue to increase revenue opportunities for anyone involved with us,” expressed Mr Leng.

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