PLWD’s view of a leader…

You know the type of leader you would want to represent you in the next government.

And so does a person living with disabilities.

Loop PNG had a chat with Jireh Widuh, a resident of Chesire DisAbility services in Port Moresby.

“I want a leader who could come down to our level, who could talk with us, hear us and represent us equally on the floor of parliament,” he said.

Widuh, from East Sepik Province, has been in Port Moresby for at least 6 years now.

He is employed with a security firm, despite having no fully formed limbs – both hands and legs.

But while Widu has adapted to the tough life in the nation’s capital, many more struggle to easily access services.

Despite the existence of PNG National Policy on Disability, the struggles echo through every province right down to the district level. 

For this election, at least some form of awareness was done for PLWDs to make an educated choice.

During polling, Loop PNG spoke to Benson Tegia, Presiding Officer for Chesire polling station in Ward 7 of the Moresby North-West Electorate.

Tegia said a number of candidates had visited the Cheshire DisAbility residence during the campaign period, to speak to staff and residents eligible to vote.

Tegia however, did not say the same for those living in the communities.

He did say that there were no specific polling stations for PLWDs in the other two NCD electorates – North-East and Moresby South.

Gloria Bauai