Project to create awareness on teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is considered a growing issue across PNG and with so much stigma, discrimination and shame associated with it, a union decided to address the concern.

The Safe Motherhood Alliance PNG (SMALL PNG) embarked on the Blooming Teens Project to raise awareness, challenge attitudes and promote compassion and prevention.

SMALL PNG chose to do this through utilising belly casting in a unique way, never been seen before in PNG or across the globe.

The project began with the “Naked Launch” of belly casts modelled from young women in their third trimester of pregnancy.

“This proved to be a unique and innovative way of placing emphasis on acceptance and support for young women experiencing early pregnancy but most importantly, the encouragement for supervised deliveries,” the union said in a statement.

Twelve young women were belly cast, and each told a story of their experiences. Common to each story was a pregnancy unplanned for.

“The lack of timely and appropriate sexual and reproductive health information and contraceptive services accessible to young people, regardless of their marriage status, proves a challenge.”

The first exhibition was entitled the ‘Naked Launch’ as each plastered cast remained bare and untouched, serving as a blank canvas for 12 of Papua New Guinea’s emerging and established artists to design, create and paint using the young women’s personal stories and three words ‘youth’, ‘positivity’ and ‘celebration’ as inspiration.

Officially opening the Naked Launch and unveiling the Blooming Teens Project logo was patron and founder, Dame Carol Kidu, who noted that most of the artists were males and this in itself was positive.

“It’s sad when young women are so desperate that when they have a pregnancy, they consider taking their own lives,” said Dame Carol when encouraging families and communities to take care of girls who fall pregnant too early.

SMALL PNG’s director Catherine Fokes stated that this was not just an issue for young girls but a community issue.

Present at the launch were three of the artists, Tony ‘Wesevo’ Evennett, Purago Marabe and Benjamin Dani from six7five Aerosol.

“It is an honour to do this as it is not only a unique canvas to paint on but also to tell a story of pain and anguish a mother goes through. And the fact that it is the first of its kind in PNG, I am looking forward to it,” said Wesevo (Tony Evennett).

The Naked Launch was the first and last time the bare casts were to be displayed. After the launch, the casts were delivered to the artists: Rose Siune, Jane Wenna, Purago Murabe, Tony Evennett, Norman Evennett, Albert Joseph, Philemon Yalamu, Larry Santana, six7five aerosol, Paul Kassman, Martin Lance and Jeffery Feeger.

Photo source: Safe Motherhood Alliance PNG Facebook page

Press Release