Chuave MP claims foul play by police

A Member of Parliament is alleging foul play by a policeman in Eastern Highlands and appealed for intervention from the Royal PNG Constabulary hierarchy.

Chuave MP, Wera Mori, made the comment in a media conference in Port Moresby this afternoon.

He alleged that two vehicles, bought in 2010 from public funds under the administration of his predecessor, have been illegally claimed.

The MP said after investigations, one of the vehicles was impounded by Goroka Police last week but was released by a senior policeman attached to the CID division.         

“Out right act of stealing and fraud, unfortunately we have a senior police officer who should know better, but compromised his position,” Mori said.   

 “On 15th November 2010, a government cheque number 706448 totalling K240, 812 was raised by the Chuave District Administration and paid to Ela Motors.

“A Toyota Land Cruiser utility and a Toyata Cruiser 10-seater were released to some unknown suspects and never recovered by the Chuave District Administration.”

The first term MP said the suspect apprehended with the vehicle was a son of the former MP for Chuave and wants the matter dealt with.

“It is my obligation to hold that such public goods are returned back to the province to provide service to the people,” Mori said.

Chuave is one of the districts in Simbu Province.

Loop PNG was unsuccessful to get comments from EHP police before the story was published.  

Charles Yapumi