Sumgilbar share challenges with DDA

The people of Sumgilbar LLG in Madang's Sumkar District had dialogue with their MP Alexander Orme Suguman while he was on a three-day visit that concluded on Saturday (17 December).

The people had the opportunity to meet with members of the Sumkar DDA, who visited Dimer Village, toured schools and road infrastructure on their way to Bunabun Health Centre to take note on the challenges the facility is faced with.

Importantly, was the discussion on the Manam Islanders at Mangem Care Center, and the issues they have been facing with landowners which has led to lives and properties being lost overtime.

MP Suguman, after listening to the people, assured them he will take the issue further up with responsible authorities.

The team continued with school visits. They went to the proposed site of Murukanam Primary school and Mirap Junior High School. They discussed with the school administration and management on how best they can assist in building the educational institutions in the district. 

On Friday 16 December they visited Talidig primary and the TVET school and visited sites where staff houses will be built for the Junior High School. 

MP Suguman said the K10 million that the government gives to each electorate is not enough so the team had to visit to take note of what is needed so they can source funding from outside. 

"After my visit when I go back I expect status report from you the management of the respective institutions that I had visited to strengthen my visit and what plans we have and as government we can give back that support to you. I came here to see things and when I go back I must do action," Suguman told the people. 

He also visited the PMIZ site and then met with the land owners. Rudolf Arik, Chairman of the land owner group, said now that the PMIZ project will commence they do not want to be spectators on their own land any more.

Sylvester Wemuru