New legal book celebrated

A new legal text book has been herald as a huge contribution to jurisprudence in the country.

On Friday night the Deputy Chief Justice, Sir Gibbs Salika made this remarks when launching a book authored by the acting Public Solicitor, Leslie Mamu. 

The book titled Supreme Court practices and procedures covers the law and the principles and practice in the Supreme Court.

Author, Leslie Mamu explained that the book is a collection of materials, cases and laws put together to make it easy for law practitioners and court users that come before the Supreme Court.

He adds that a main aim of the book will be to help users know the law and principles that govern the powers of the Supreme Court and how they can invoke those powers.

Meanwhile an impressed Justice Salika said that the book will go a long way to assist lawyers and judges to make legal submissions that are consistent with the case and statute laws.


Interested individuals who would like to enquire about the book can email

Julianna Waeda