ELC Papua Ordained Pastor

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea Synod gathering yesterday, Sunday 9 January witnessed another milestone in the history of the ELC Papua district.

Another indigenous Papuan was ordained a pastor in the church, bringing the number of Papuan indigenous pastors to five.

Head Bishop Right Reverend Dr. Jack Urame conducted the ordination of Graduate student, Inilessie Eburi, during the opening ceremony of the 33rd Synod at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby. Assistant Bishop, Rev. Lucas Kedabin, assisted him.

The ordination procession was led by the Cape Rodney congregation, which the Central Governor, Robert Agarobe witnessed. A ceremonial handover of the candidate by the ELC Papua District was done before the ordination rites were done.

Papua district president, Rev. Nathan Denmark explained that the ordination was set for September 2021, but COVID-19 had delayed it until January 2022.

After completing the rites, Head Bishop of ELCPNG and the Assistant Bishop ceremonially gave back the ordained pastor back to the Papua district. After receiving Pastor Eburi, the other Papuan Pastors took his hand and brought him into their group.

“On behalf of the ELC Papua district together with all the pastors we accept this servant that you had ordained and sent to us, so now I receive him and will employ him in our district.” Rev. Nathan Denmark said.

This ordination brings the number of Papuan indigenous pastors to five. The other four are Ps. Leslie Mathew from Balimo, Ps Noel Ware from Kiunga, Ps Philip Reuben from Kerema and Ps. Michael Manase from Alotau.

Frieda Kana