Catholic Parish Plans For New Church

The Catholic parish in Waigani, NCD ‘Queen of the Pacific’ plans to raise K5 million by 2024 for a new church building as the number of Christians in the parish has increased.

Parish Chairman, Joseph Klapat is a former Community Development Secretary leading the fundraiser team and he is positive this will come to fruition.

The Momase regional group fundraisings are underway selling food packs and K10 raffle tickets at the church grounds while other regional groups raise what they can towards the cause.

With more than 3000 parishioners, Mr Klapat is confident of meeting projected target should each person purchases raffle tickets each week continuously for the next 52 weeks till 2024.

Parish Priest, Fr Robert told the congregation that the parish has K300, 000 already in its bank account and each month an interest of K5, 000 was being accumulated.

Mr Klapat said any significant help received from government or donor agencies and stakeholders would be appreciated.

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