Exposure for new Hunters players

The SP PNG Hunters hosted a successful meet and greet at the Oil Search National Football Stadium on Saturday.

The occasion also gave exposure to new players.

At the event, round robins of fun and games were played as sponsors and other stakeholders got to know individual players.

It also gave the team an opportunity to introduce their players, including the newbies who were selected from last season’s Digicel Cup competition.

New Hunter recruited from the Lae Snax Tigers, Casey Dickson, said it is a privilege to be in the 2020 Hunters train-on squad.

“I never give up. I keep on pushing,” he said.

“I have faith in myself, I made it through this year and I was part of the 40-man squad. We trimmed it down and I’m in the 30-man squad. I’m still in the squad and I’m very happy.”

Another new Hunter, Steven Bruno, was also grateful to be in the train-on squad.

“Mi no sa interest tumas, mi sa plei soka ya,” he stated. (I was mostly interested in soccer.)

“It was with the (Kimbe) Cutters in 2018 that I started playing rugby. I started playing and now I’m here.”

The team will continue to host such similar events during the year.

For now they are focused on next month’s trial matches.

(Article by Jamie Haro – third year UPNG Journalism student; Picture of Casey Dickson)

Jamie Haro