Marie Stopes Launch Housing Policy

Marie Stopes PNG Country Director Dr David Ayres announced the launch of a Housing Support and Home Ownership policy for its employees at a recent staff retreat.

Dr Ayres said MSPNG seeks to become an employer of choice in the health and non-profit sectors while ensuring staff are rewarded fairly and reasonably making this an important part of achieving that.

“MSPNG recognizes that for our staff, the cost of accommodation often absorbs a large percentage of their annual income, and often diminishes their capacity to meet other essential household expenses,” he said.

Dr Ayers added: “Some of our staff are at the beginning of their working lives, and trying to make ends meet.  Others are more established and are thinking about purchasing a home, but struggle to save the deposit which would qualify them for a loan.”

The MSPNG Housing Support and Home Ownership Policy provides staff with a choice, designed to meet their needs at the different stages of their lives where they can choose to receive a housing allowance. This provides essential support to weekly living expenses, or participate in a home ownership scheme, which positions them for eventual home purchase (or renovation).

Dr Ayres added that the new policy serves three inter-related aims starting with improving the MSPNG staff welfare.

The second is to increase MSPNG’s profile as an employer of choice, particularly among workers in health services, and the third is to improve staff retention, which affects organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Housing support payments for all MSPNG staff starts on 10th of August, 2021.

Carol Kidu