Grade 11 student designs new IEA logo

A Grade 11 student in Kimbe, West New Britain Province, has designed the new logo for the International Education Agency (IEA) for its 40th Anniversary which was launched today.

Esau Guria attends the Kimbe International School. His design was selected among 130 entrants from IEA schools throughout the country.

The launch of the logo marks the 40th Anniversary of IEA operating in the country.

Thousands of students have passed through the IEA schools throughout the country since its inception in Papua New Guinea in 1976.

IEA currently enrols over 6,000 students every year at the schools throughout the country, with 1,000 ancillary staff, 60 expatriates and 300 local teachers.

In a brief description by Guria, the new logo highlights the 19 IEA schools and TAFE Colleges in 14 provinces across the country represented by hand in hand children.

The five IEA key outcomes are symbolised by five bending strips of the blue ribbon.

The round blue and white striped IEA logo has been the foundation logo for all IEA schools ever since the private agency began operating.

“As a proud student, I have put it behind as the background because IEA has taught success to many of its students and it will still bring the best of students in years to come,” Esau explained.

IEA executive director and chief executive officer, Joe Lalie said when launching the logo that as a not-for-profit private education provider, their goal to develop connected, lifelong learners has been achieved and continues to be achieved.

“Success stories of former IEA students’ achievements have been satisfying and it gives us a reason to continue to do what we love best,” Lalie said.

Lalie thanked the many hardworking parents, volunteers and employees who have been very supportive of IEA and the schools over the years.

(IEA staff displaying the logo on the new uniforms and standing beside the new banner.)

Quintina Naime