Extension of Child and Family Services

The Lukautim Pikinini Act (2015), is the law that governs the safety, interests and wellbeing of children in Papua New Guinea.

Initially, all laws and the National Child Protection Policy (2017-2027) are all captured under the Department of Community Development and Religion. But now, they have realized a big need in addressing issues relating to children, and that children were the victims and victimized during family violence issues at home or in the communities.

This mandated the establishment of the National Office of Child and Family Services (NOCFS), a stand-alone entity solely concentrated on addressing issues such as protecting children’s rights and their welfare in the country.

The National Office is now embarking on rolling down functions into the provinces, the districts and right through to the Local Level Governments. This initiative is now recognized as the Provincial Engagement Inception in Madang Province on the Implementation of Lukautim Pikinini Act (2015), held at the Madang Resort Hotel.

This whole week, the National Office delegation will be desensitizing relative agency officers from the courts, welfare office, health and police divisions on education and awareness on this framework.

It was reinforced to officers who attended whilst dissecting case studies, that all decisions, whether through welfare officer, police officer, health officer or through the courts, Child Protection Officers, must have the child’s best interest and not on how the mother or the father feels.

In many instances, it is seen that officers are sometimes swayed by the situations presented by parents that they forget about their primary aim, The Victim, the Child or Children.

According Deputy Director for the National Office of Child and Family Services, Otto Trur, all educated elites must lead the way in ensuring that our children are safe from abuse, neglect, exploitation and other forms of violence, they must ensure that this framework is rolled throughout the country.

He calls out to all parents to rear their children appropriately so that we do not create a generation of broken adults in the future, but of a confident, smart, healthy and vibrant society full of opportunities for our children.
