Ahi Investment Ltd

Hope for Ahi children

Chairman of Ahi Investment Ltd, George Gware, said a strong foundation needs to be set today so the children of the six Ahi villages of Butibam, Hengali, Kamkumung, Yanga, Wagang and Yalu can have hope for tomorrow.

This is why Ahi Group Ltd named their foundation, Ahi Hope.

Gware made this statement during the presentation of K2.5 million from Ahi Investment Ltd to Ahi Prudential Development at the Lae International Hotel on Saturday.

K2.5mil for Ahi villages

Chairman of Ahi Investment, George Gware, said the K2.5 million profit from the group of companies will be managed by Ahi Prudential Development to work with their partners to run projects and programs in the six landowner villages of Butibam, Hengali, Kamkumung, Yanga, Wagang and Yalu.

“This is not the first funding that we have presented,” said Gware. “We made available funding in 2018 to get six buses for each of the associations. After that, we worked with the Lae City Authority and came up with partnership programs aimed at addressing law and order.