Hope for Ahi children

Our children’s tomorrow depends on us.

Chairman of Ahi Investment Ltd, George Gware, said a strong foundation needs to be set today so the children of the six Ahi villages of Butibam, Hengali, Kamkumung, Yanga, Wagang and Yalu can have hope for tomorrow.

This is why Ahi Group Ltd named their foundation, Ahi Hope.

Gware made this statement during the presentation of K2.5 million from Ahi Investment Ltd to Ahi Prudential Development at the Lae International Hotel on Saturday.

 “Yumi yet mas wok, yumi yet mas kamapim mani na risoses na yumi yet mas teikim lid lo menejim destiny blo mipla,” he said.

“That is the only way. When we do it, other partners can come in.

“We cannot just sit and wait, and complain about our problems and wait for the Government, the Member or anyone, like churches, to come and fix our problems.

“It’s up to us. It’s up to the leadership of today.

“We want to make a difference in our community.

“Our Member for Lae and Deputy Prime Minister talks about making Lae a better place. You can only make Lae a better place if we also make Ahi a better place.

“So this comes back to all of us.”

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