Winning team yet to get golden pass

The winning team from the Sepik Coca-Cola Ipatas Cup was not handed the golden pass due to technical errors.

However, the issues will be addressed on Wednesday this week.

The Wewak Urarember team was one out of four participating teams in the two-day tournament, winning the finals on Saturday against Viaq Sharks with 14-10 tries.

However, complaints were later raised by rival teams stating that the team had fielded 27 players, hence the delay in the golden pass.

The tournament, only in its second year in the province, saw these strong teams clash in the hope for a placing in the Ipatas Cup nationwide challenge.

The teams were Kwarumbe Api and Extreme Bulls from Maprik and Viaq Pukpuks and Urarember from Wewak.

The normal rounds saw Kwarumbe Api defeating Extreme Bulls with a large margin of 28-0, while Urarember drew Pukpuks with a 10-all score.

CCIC Sepik coordinator Bradley Simon said apart from the issue, the tournament is making its presence known and it is exciting to see the growing interest.

Simon said the first tournament was held in Maprik and was as successful as this one. He hopes to see it continue in future.

The Wewak rugby field was packed with supporters, both from Maprik and Wewak.

Also in attendance were the Coca-Cola Ipatas Cup team.

Imelda Wavik