Yoivi village builds road for connectivity

In the heart of Oro Province lies Yoivi Village, a remote settlement longing for development.

Ahi Matue, a dedicated volunteer from Eastern Highlands Province, has spearheaded a transformative project, breaking barriers to connect Yoivi to the outside world.

Assigned to the Dunn Eco-Tourism project, Matue's mission expanded beyond conservation.

Recognizing the lack of road access, he rallied the community to construct a vital kilometer-long road, overcoming logistical hurdles and laboring tirelessly for 18 weeks.

With no external funding, Matue's leadership and the community's determination proved formidable. From chopping trees to leveling ground, they forged a path to progress, symbolizing resilience and self-sufficiency.

As phase three nears completion, Yoivi anticipates newfound accessibility, economic growth, and social development.

Matue's story exemplifies the transformative power of community-driven initiatives, showcasing that true progress stems from collective action and unwavering belief in a better tomorrow.

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