5-year-olds visit Hastings

Ten 5-year-olds from Buk Bilong Pikinini’s Library Learning Center made a visit to Hastings Deering. The excursion allowed the children to inspect the heavy vehicles that are used for construction and mining across Papua New Guinea.

The children inspected the D11T, which is Caterpillar’s largest track type tractor produced in the world. They learnt about what it takes to drive such heavy vehicles and got the opportunity to hop on board and see for themselves. 

Buk Bilong Pikinini and Hastings Deering have been partners since 2012. The company has been assisting the learning center with storage space for storing books and teaching resources and establishing the library learning center at UPNG.

Buk Bilong Pikinini’s Executive Officer, Leanne Resson says the purpose of the excursion was to highlight the different career paths that are available to them in the future.

She said the excursion is a real-world learning experience for the children. Buk Bilong Pikinini will add this trip to their “When I Grow up” book series highlighting the career path of a heavy equipment operator.

Hasting Deering Area Manager for PNG and Solomon Islands, Andrew Dare says they jumped at the chance to showcase some of the careers on site when the learning center approached them.

“It's given the last 18 months and the dynamics surrounding COVID-19, it's been good to change the tempo and show the kids what we're about.

“I hope the kids enjoyed themselves, this is the first run for us so we've enjoyed it, we've learned a little bit. Hopefully becomes part of the norm in the future,” said Mr Dare.

He said as a corporate citizen, Hastings Deering would continue to support the community they work in and step in to assist with initiatives such as the ones undertaken by Buk Bilong Pikinini.

Press Release