Passionate Mission to Serve Youth

The 3rd Provincial Chapter of the vice-province of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, centred around the theme of being "Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people," concluded on April 12th, 2024.

Led by Fr. Gregorio Bicomong, Provincial, the event brought together sixteen fervent members from diverse backgrounds, representing the confreres of the vice-province.

Embracing the spirit of conversion, Fr. Bicomong urged attendees to reflect on love through the lens of the Samaritan Woman, emphasizing falling in love, committing in love, growing in love, and sharing love as essential elements of their mission.

The assembly, comprising members from the Philippines, India, Papua New Guinea, Angola, Vietnam, Congo, and Sri Lanka, mourned the loss of Fr. Edwin Genovia, while also welcoming Br. Peter Khai as his substitute.

The proceedings were facilitated by Fr. Pedro Sachitula, who presented the working document, collated from responses across the vice-province, for discussion and synthesis.

Eucharistic celebrations, led by Bp. Peter Baquero SDB, set the spiritual tone for each day's deliberations, urging participants to reflect on their vocation as evangelizers rather than mere service providers.

The Chapter delved into critical issues such as evangelization of culture, understanding Melanesian context, ongoing formation, and the care of lay mission partners.

In the spirit of collaboration, the members shared dreams and coordinated programs to enrich the lives of young people. Fr. Gregorio Bicomong concluded the Chapter with a thanksgiving Eucharist, urging gratitude and compassion towards the youth.

As the vice-province prepares to celebrate 50 years of presence in Papua New Guinea, each member was gifted a missionary rosary as a poignant reminder of their calling.

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