The Children of Light Learning Centre has been a home for many students that have struggled academically but come out with flying colors because of the dedicated staff there.

The school was founded by the Digicel Foundation a few years ago.

This learning centre has been growing from strength to strength. It has opened its doors welcoming children of all levels of education and breeding them into success stories.

For some of the students, their chances of education in other schools before CLLC were dashed. This is because they did not meet the requirements of that particular institution.

One child was rejected by several schools because they did not understand how to handle or teach someone with Dyslexia.

CLLC welcomed this child with open arms and many others like him and to this day they have progressed well and from shy beginnings to becoming quite outspoken and confident to learn.

The school also have a shalom academy program that motivates both staff and student to get through the learning week. They always look forward to these mornings as it generates a positive atmosphere. And at the end of each schooling week they give an offering that is sent to Israel with prayer requests from the staff and student body.

A great testimony would be of a student that prayed on behalf of he and his brother for their mother to finally land a job that she has been longing to get. He did this week after week without miss. To this day she is in that job and doing her best to make her children proud.

“Education is the transmission of civilization. The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.”

~ Gilbert K. Chesterton ~

Carol Kidu