Tax defaulters, fraudsters warned

The Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) is warning tax defaulters, evaders and fraudsters to come forward and pay all debts.

This was stated by Acting Commissioner General for IRC, Sam Koim, last week at the Revenue Haus when announcing a 3-month amnesty period for all taxpayers to settle debts before the period ends.

With the reinstatement of Koim’s position for another 3 months, he aims to improve all processes to put the Revenue Haus in order by going after outstanding cases of taxpayers.

“Coming here to the organisation, my thinking was coming here and taking some of these actions, but when I came here I realised that there are a lot of things we need to improve, systems and processes things we need to align, get the house in order,” Koim said.

The IRC wants taxpayers to believe that they are not bluffing and will be going after cases by taking harsh measures against those who think they can get away.

To make it simple, they want all taxpayers to make use of the amnesty period while fixing the system of the Revenue Haus.

The IRC will be carrying out a three-month amnesty period for Salary and Wages Taxes alone. However, all other tax payers are urged to settle debts before commencing normal business by year 2020.

(Article by Jamie Haro – third year UPNG Journalism student)

Jamie Haro