Pre-independence celebrations

Popondetta Primary hold pre-independence celebration

The school administration initiated the pre-independence celebration for staff and students, to promote Papua New Guinea’s diverse cultural values and Christian ethics, as a lead up to PNG’s 46th anniversary of self-governance.

The event ran under the theme ‘Promoting Culture and Christian values’. Students showcased their cultural significance and identities in their regional groups, on the second day of the event.  

​Pre-independence celebrations continue

Badihagwa Technical Secondary School joined in on the celebratory mood today.

The school ground was filled with cultural groups, representing different provinces of the country.

Motuan students opened up the show, setting the feel of the day as people braved Port Moresby’s hot sun to watch.

The event, while promoting culture, is also a fundraiser to refurbish its run-down classroom.

This celebration follows a day after the school’s 50th jubilee celebration.