Empowering Government officers

This aims to support government officers and private sector counterparts to mainstream gender perspectives and youth inclusion in the public sector as well as in the agri-food value chains and businesses,

Under the theme, ‘Institutional Gender and Youth Capacity Development’ for Provincial Government and local NGO partners and community leaders, the workshops brought together 27 females and 48 males from provincial, district and LLG government offices and private sector counterparts as well as civil society organizations.

Upskilled to revive cocoa

EU-STREIT PNG Programme builds the capacity of 722 lead farmers in remote rural communities through training on cocoa rehabilitation techniques, access to finance and the need to mainstreaming gender perspectives in value chain. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations, under the EU Funded UN Joint STREIT Programme, continues to improve the knowledge and skills of 722 lead farmers in cocoa bud grafting and block management techniques in three remote communities or LLGs in Angoram District.

MiBank in remote ESP

The initiative provides cashless payment systems to remote communities in Papua New Guinea.

EU STREIT PNG entered into a collaboration with MiBank to open saving accounts for engaged cocoa farmers in three remote villages in East Sepik Province.

It was a happy moment for the 40 women, 15 male youths, and 10 men. All were issued with MiCard cards instantly after opening their accounts.

Kathlyn Amos, 58, a mother of four children, was the first to open her account.

“It was very easy, and I was not asked many questions,” said Kathlyn.