Enga on path to peace amidst tribal conflicts

Enga Province has initiated a crucial peace restoration program following intense tribal conflicts that have disrupted lives in the Wapenamanda District.

Under the leadership of newly appointed Provincial Police Commander, Superintendent Fred Yakasa, a four-phase strategy to instill peace began with a significant awareness program launched on April 16, 2024.

This initial phase, scheduled through April 22 but extended to April 25, includes extensive outreach across five critical locations including Birip village, which is currently sheltering a large number of people displaced by the conflict. The program aims to bolster a Ceasefire Agreement, signed on March 13, 2024, in Port Moresby, fostering reconciliation between the conflicting Yopo and Palinoe alliances.

Superintendent Yakasa, a native of the province, operates under the local Enga dialect motto, "Enga Pirakama Tolosara Karasama" (All Citizens of Enga Participate for Peace"), and emphasizes community involvement in achieving lasting peace.

Concurrently, Enga is also the scene of a 21-day "Kingdom Invasion Crusade" held in Birip Village, further supporting peace efforts through spiritual means. Organized by Hart Ministries International and featuring various national and international religious leaders, the crusade seeks to heal and unify through faith under the theme "Come Jesus, Come Peace."

During a service held on April 21, key law enforcement and legal figures including the Commander of Western end,  Joseph Tondop were prayed over, underscoring the critical role of spiritual leadership in addressing the region’s challenges.

As Enga Province grapples with its troubled past, these combined efforts of law enforcement and spiritual interventions aim to pave a new path towards peace and reconciliation for its people.

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