Waigani Drive

Woman rushed to hospital after sudden attack

The man, believed to be mentally unstable, attacked her when she was trying to get her esky (portable cooler) from the nearby drain. Eyewitnesses allege that he was hiding in the drain and attacked the woman for no apparent reason.

Loop PNG was on site when the incident happened.

Police travelling along the Waigani Drive stopped over and arrested the suspect while he was trying to escape.

The woman was rushed to the hospital in a taxi.

Beware blocked roads on Saturday

The junction of Sir John Guise Drive at the Vision City traffic light and at the round-about near Somare Foundation will be completely closed off.

The Somare Circuit which is often referred to as Waigani office back road, will also be sealed.

Residents and general public living in and around this road are advised that it will not be accessible until after 8am.

Meanwhile the Waigani Drive’s lane leading out from UPNG into the city will be blocked off for the runners to use while the priority lane will be used by the athletes going to the sporting venues.