Stakeholder Meeting on Cancer

Proper Awareness Needed For Childhood Cancer

One of the major issues raised was addressing Childhood Cancer in the country.

Worldwide about 400, 000 children aged from zero to 18 years of age are diagnosed each year with cancer. According to PMGH, it is estimated that one in 6500 children will have cancer.

In PNG, it is estimated that there are three million children within that age and the hospital sees 500 children per year.

PMGH Paediatrician, Dr. Gwenda Anga said as per hospital reports, PMGH is not seeing over 200 children per year as this is due to many reasons.

“Cervical Cancer A Great Risk In PNG”

According to the president of Obstetrics & Gynecology Association, Port Moresby General Hospital, Dr. Mary Bagita, said that cervical cancer is a great risk especially with women living in rural areas.

Globally about 500,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer, and stated that in 2020 female deaths from breast cancer was 685,000, cervical cancer 340,000, ovarian cancer 207,000, endometrial cancer 97,000, and maternal deaths 303,000.