Member for Namatanai

Classroom for Namatanai school

The school with a vivid history dating back almost 114 years to the time of early missionaries is located few kilometres outside of Namatanai town, New Ireland Province and sits beautifully on a plateau overlooking the Namatanai harbour in ward 12 of the Namatanai Local Level Government (LLG).

As a United Church agency school, it is one of the oldest schools in New Ireland Province established in 1909 by early Methodist Missionaries. In the early days it was known as ‘Lukbuk’ or reading school. Gradually the school grew and changed overtime to a primary school status in 1997.

Focus on people’s empowerment

Member for Namatanai, Walter Schnaubelt, handed over the plan that charts a new course of direction for all involved in the development of the district, including all government stakeholders, civil society, churches and private sector partners.