Medium Term Development Plan IV (4)

Fisheries a revenue stream for Gulf

He stated this when signing a Memorandum of Understanding as Minister responsible for Fisheries, with the Gulf Provincial Government on Sunday July 16th, 2023.

Minister Wong said from a Fisheries perspective, licensing must be issued to companies that show a genuine willingness to farm and process onshore.

MTDP IV must be a game changer: PM

Prime Minister James Marape made these remarks when launching the MTDP4 in Port Moresby.

He said the MTDP4 is intended to fast track the implementation of key initiatives that will cover the gaps after MTDP 3 so that we set the pathway to move into the next couple of years leading into 2030 as the decade of prosperity under Vision 2050.

“It demands that we work really hard and focus our resources on key outcomes.