Institution of Engineers PNG Inc

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Engineers call for reinstatement of President

The Institution of Engineers PNG Inc is calling on the Works Secretary to reinstate the suspended Works Regional Manager for Momase, Brian Alois.

Issues raised on public money act 2017

Engineers call for reinstatement of President

IEPNG Deputy President, Ms Finkewe Zurenuoc, made this call yesterday on behalf of the more than 3,000 members of the Institution.

Ms Zurenuoc said the response from Works and Implementation Minister Michael Nali in Parliament yesterday was not true.

She explained the actual amount Alois was referring to was a figure used in 2004 to build a road in a rural area.

She said the suspension was suspicious as Alois has revealed secrets of overpricing of road works in the country.

“Mr Alois has revealed the truth and that’s the reason why he was suspended.