Herman Panai

School needs help with teachers’ accommodation

School principal Herman Panai revealed that the teachers are struggling.

The school currently has 55 teachers but only 12 are accommodated on campus.

Kilakila is the only secondary school in the Moresby South electorate and has over 1600 students with nine classes each for Grade 9 and 10, and eight classes each for Grade 11 and 12.

Panai said: “There’s a competition between schools to have better teachers so with the housing shortage, I am unable to keep my good teachers.

“Most of the teachers reside in settlements and the nearby Motu-Koita villages.

New student hall, classrooms for Kilakila Secondary

The school, which caters for over 1000 students, now has a proper assembly hall for staging examinations, school concerts, meetings and studies.

Some of the 20 classrooms are brand new while others have been refurbished and modernised.

School principal Herman Panai thanked the Moresby South electorate and the National Capital District Commission for funding the infrastructure of the school. 

Panai said the school is currently facing a lot of challenges, including infrastructure development and shortage of teachers’ houses.